
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Trying again

There have been a lot of things that I have tried lately and failed (or just plain got lazy or bored with) and given up on.  But then I try again and it all works out okay.  I have been thinking about that a lot lately.  A few things I've tried, given up on, and tried again.

Blogging.  I was all about it for a week and then totally left it in the dust.  (Although if I'm allowed to make excuses for myself I did get really busy and then my computer crashed, so hey.)

Running.  Tried to like it.  Seriously really, really tried.  Then I fell and hurt myself and went on a little break.  Then decided it's just not my thing (and didn't try again).  There's so many other things for exercise that I actually like to do, so I decided I'll just do those things instead!  Haha.  I'll enjoy it!  And maybe I'll try running again sometime later....maybe.

#Project365.  A photo a day for a whole year.  Really, wanted to do it.  Really thought I'd stay motivated.  Then I got busy and then just got lazy with it.  But now I'm back and enjoying it again.  And maybe my #project365 will actually take 2 or 3 years to get through.  But really, that's okay :)

Why do I share all my fails with you?  Well, because it reminds me that you can always always always try again.  Just because you make a mistake or get out of a habit doesn't mean you can't start again tomorrow.  So have something you want to do?  Try it!  Fail?  Try again! and keep trying again!  It really doesn't matter as long as you keep trying.

Anyway, wanted to share that today.

Keep Trying.

Kristy Jane

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