
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend

This past weekend was so fun!  We have both been so busy this month that it was nice to finally have a long weekend break. **note: I wrote this last month and am just now getting around to inserting pictures and posting...see post below about trying again :) 

We kicked things off by going to the Payson Temple Open House.(For more info on temples, click here)

The sun coming up just perfectly behind.

Not the best picture of us, but hey, whenever someone offers to take a picture instead of us trying to take a selfie I'll take them up on it! 

Really, really pretty
I found out Friday that Saturday was the very last day.  We didn't have tickets and knew that the standby line would be insane that day so we planned to get there right as it opened at 8am.  We had to wait just about 10 minutes or so, but that wasn't too bad (when we left there were cars backed up for miles just to get in the parking lot).  It was so gorgeous and I can't wait to go once it's dedicated and open.

Then we grabbed some yummy breakfast sandwiches at McDonald's.  I know everyone makes fun of McDonald's, but I really do love their breakfast sandwiches. There were tons of other people there that had also gone to the open house that morning.  It's funny because I feel like people are never wanting to admit that they go to McDonald's and it reminded David and I of this Jim Gaffigan sketch.  We kept quoting it and were laughing so hard.

Next, we met up with our friends Krista and TJ to go shooting.  David was so excited to finally try out his shotgun (it's been rainy every weekend since he got it), and I was pretty much just along for the ride.  He had a good time and I was finally brave enough to shoot it one time.  It's still not my thing, but at least I gave it a try.

I am pretty sure this was the first time he shot it.

^^This is much more my type of "shooting".^^

We even found some horses in an orchard on our drive home--such a gorgeous sight!

They came over to us right away, I was surprised.

...then left when they realized we had no food.
Then Monday we went on a little hike.  I heard Buffalo Peak was fun and quick and so we planned a little trip.  There are two ways to get there that I found out about.  One is just about a mile round trip and the other is about four miles round trip.  We decided on the longer one this time.  It was such a beautiful hike with lots of changing scenery and good views.

However, it was superrr muddy because it had been a little rainy that morning/weekend.  Then, on the way back we got a little lost....but ended up finding our way again (though we did have to go back to the last place we knew which was back uphill quite a ways...definitely not my favorite).  All in all it was a fun trip and a great way to end the long weekend.

Kristy Jane

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