I always have grand ideas for what I want to write and post about. So I think on it, and decide I should do it later when I can organize my thoughts, not have Aaron climbing on top of me, and have access to all our family photos (David usually takes most of our pictures on his phone because of his long arms and I think his camera is better). And then guess what?? Surprise, surprise it never happens!
So today I've decided to write on my phone while watching Aaron play in his nursery (and occasionally having to step in and save him from things like sticking his fingers in light sockets, squirting hand sanitizer in his mouth, and probably wanting to eat soon!) and JUST DO IT!
I love that metaphor for life JUST DO IT! I am going to try to do more in the moment instead of putting things off. Serving others, sharing a testimony, telling someone you love them, getting something done you keep putting off. Just do it and get it done!
So with that said here is a mish mash of things happening in our life lately!!
Sweet boy always giving loves just when you need them! |
A sweet little bum! Outgrowing his baby pants. And outgrowing being a baby! |
We call this "Aaron's desk" and he works on it almost every morning while David is getting ready for work. Funny. |
Walks! We love to walk as a family and our neighborhood is so so so great for walks of all kinds. |
My boys. My favorite people. |
Inner Harbor in Baltimore for the light city fest. I'll post more on this later (when I get David's pictures). It was so so fun. |
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The halfway point on one of our walks and our break during all the sessions of conference. |
Aaron was in his baby bath tub up until maybe a month ago. He HATED it the first time. The next time I got in with him and he slowly warmed up to the idea. I also let him play in the empty tub for a few days and let him play with some water on a cookie sheet to show him it could be fun. Now he seriously loves it! |
Hahaha! This was too funny for me. |
The first real green to start to come through after winter. I thought these flowers were sweet and there were meadows and meadows of them. Things have since blossomed and the trees are almost all back to being a canopy of green. Thank goodness. Now just to enjoy it before it gets too hot and humid here! |
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree. |
Trying to take selfies with an active boy. Less about the beauty shot and more about just capturing the moment at all. |
My calling in our ward here is to organize the monthly RS Activities. I'll be honest in saying that this has been hard for my shy, sensitive, and not-wanting-to-bug-and-ask-for- help self. But, I guess that is how you grow, right? I do miss being the primary chorister in our small Utah Primary! (Yes, it was actually small in Utah probably under 8 kids each week!) |
THIS WAS THE WEIRDEST THING EVER!!! I am pretty sure it was a baby squirrel, but I call it a little naked maulrat. It was so tiny wriggling around on the side walk and I almost ran over it with my stroller! Kind of sad...probably got separated from the mother. I didn't know what to do for it. David went looking for it, but it was gone by the time he came home. |
What a lot of my time consists of....seeing if Aaron fell asleep and then trying to keep him asleep! |
Messy eater with squash (or something) in his eye. Also, Aaron has started to do this thing where he sucks on his big toe while I am feeding him in his high chair. So weird right? |
Finally graduated to the seat at the grocery store a few months ago! Which is really helpful because I am too short (and too nervous) to put the carseat carrier on top and the carts here are considerably smaller than they are in Utah (or at least where I shop) |
Hope you enjoyed this mish mash or random things! I love reading people's blogs that still keep them up and love having a way to share what is going on with us for far away family and friends.
Kristy Jane
and P.S. it still took me about a week to post this since I had a lot of photos to back up!
Loved it all! Esp that one of you and Aaron and Aaron on davids shoulders with your caption! Love your fam!