We had so much fun labor day weekend :) It was really jam packed, but it was awesome. Here's what we were up to:
Saturday we drove over to Annapolis (it's probably just about 30 minutes away). Annapolis has such a cute downtown area. I don't know how to explain it other than it has a very
historical feel. There are old churches, government buildings, brick-paved streets and some city blocks still look to me like they would have in the 1700s. I could really just let my mind wander with what would have happened there.
There are cute little restaurants and we had a fun time wandering in and out of the shops after grabbing a little brunch and in between an ice cream cone. This was a perfect activity with Aaron; he slept soundly nearly the whole time in the stroller. We also enjoyed watching all the sailboats from the pier.
Sunday we went to church, came home, and packed our bags for the night because we were heading to Philadelphia. There was a temple open house and I thought the open house plus the long weekend was the perfect excuse for a little trip! We got to Philadelphia in the early evening, checked into our hotel, ate some sandwiches for dinner, and started planning for the next day.
We visited Independence Hall, saw the liberty bell, and went to the temple open house. Aaron was once again almost perfect for the whole day.....what a trooper! He even slept the whole way on our drive back home. I hope I am not doomed for my second baby since Aaron has honestly been so easy going.

Also, I have to share this story because I think it is just to funny! I needed to feed Aaron and was looking for a comfortable, private spot. We went into the visitor's center and were trying to find an empty bench so I wandered upstairs where I saw it was mostly deserted. Lo and behold I stumbled upon a (semi) private balcony complete with a rocking chair overlooking Independence Hall! What a great place to nurse a baby while on vacation; I honestly still cannot believe my luck! This has to be the best place I've fed Aaron in with the worst being the back seat of a very crowded air plane next to a line of travelers all needing to use the restroom. What are your best and worst places for feeding your babies?? Leave a comment or send me a message--I would love to know!
And....I don't have a place for this picture but it's just freaking cute, okay?
Kristy Jane