How far along: 31 weeks
Maternity clothes: Yes, mostly. I still have some leggings, maxi skirts, and tunic shirts that are okay to wear, but for the most part am in maternity clothes. The week before I noticed my t-shirts kept showing my belly and that was (of course) embarrassing so I searched high and low for cheap maternity clothes. I'm actually pretty frugal when it comes to shopping and spend a lot of time looking for good deals (I'm sure my mom is laughing about this, but it's true now I promise!) and I reallllly didn't want to spend a lot on clothes I can only wear for like 10 more weeks. I looked online and went to many stores (I was surprised how many stores in Utah County don't have a maternity section...or at least a maternity section bigger than one rack). Finally I found good deals and some cute stuff at Burlington Coat Factory and Old Navy. I'd definitely recommend that for anyone else in the same position as me!
Stretch marks: Nope. And I probably will delete this question when they show up and just not answer it anyways. So you'll never know ;)
Sleep: Some nights okay, but most nights not okay. I just get up too often to go to the bathroom, or can't get comfortable, or have a weird dream, or the baby is kicking, or have insomnia. But, at least it is preparation for all those sleepless nights to come.
Best moment this week: Getting all those new clothes is always fun! Plus we had a double date night with our friends. We went out to dinner and saw the play "The Andrews Brothers" at the Covey Center. So, so funny! It was a really small production (4 person cast) and I was afraid it would be weird, but it was super funny and the actors were such hams! I'd definitely recommend it. I think it's showing the next two weekends.
Worst moment this week: Umm, haven't really had anything too bad happen....I hope I didn't just jinx myself.
Movement: The baby was going CRAZY yesterday! Just getting a lot stronger I guess.
Food cravings: Well, I could always think of something that sounds good, but I really never have a craving like "I need this right now. GET IT FOR ME NOW. I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT IT" kind of craving.
Aversions: Still chicken. I don't know why at all and I hope that goes away after the baby comes because it really limits what you want to cook and eat.
Queasy/Sick: This has come back a little if I'm not being careful to drink lots of water and eat healthy and often, but for the most part I'm okay.
Other Symptoms: "Pregnancy brain"-the other week the choir was singing in church and I started singing the fist line with them in the congregation until David looks at me and asks "why are you singing?". Haha, then I shut my mouth and we laughed. I hope it was quiet and most people didn't hear me, haha. And also just forgetting things or mixing up recipes. Stuff like that. Heartburn-I try to always make sure to do a combination of Pepcid to avoid it and Tums if that's still not enough. I've tried to avoid foods that cause heartburn but I still get it even from things like bread so I've just accepted it now. Tiredness-this has definitely come back. Not as bad as the first trimester, but still I get really tired by the evening (or sooner).
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: I don't think so
Belly button - in or out? Oh my goodness, it's mostly out. An outie, how embarrassing. Haha!
What I miss: A bathtub! I really wish we had a bathtub in our apartment. That just sounds perfect to me every night.
What I am looking forward
to: My baby shower is coming up next week and some of my family is coming in for it, so I'm looking forward to that!
Milestones: We are going to some prenatal classes this week and next. The baby is apparently 18 inches and 3.2 pounds.